Highlights from the February 1, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Rod Wallette reported that the Finance Committee met, and will be working on writing a Financial Plan, which will include information such as the responsibilities of the committee, and guidelines for investments and/or endowments.
  • Margaret Parodi reported that the Field Trip team is proceeding with planning to create offerings that are diverse, and conducted in a safe manner.
  • Gael Bissell initiated a discussion about the ways we could provide information to assist and encourage members to track proposed bills, and become engaged in the legislative process. Several actions were selected and will be activated in the next few weeks.
  • Bob Lee is looking for nominations for people who have an interest in seeking to join the Board of Directors in the upcoming election.

Feathers in Flight

Bird Genoscape Project by National Geographic

Be sure to check out a YouTube video from National Geographic about the use of  bird feather genetics to figure out where they migrate and winter. The southwestern Willow Flycatcher is used an example. The footage is excellent and it’s very interesting. Find it at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p43ksRgIlk

Nongame Wildlife Tax Check-off

When filling out your Montana tax form this year, think “wildlife” by donating to the Nongame Wildlife Program, found on Form 2, page 11, under Contributions. If your taxes are prepared, tell your accountant that you want to donate to wildlife! Your contributions are tax deductible on next year’s return. Montana has more than 500 species of “nongame” animals that benefit from public support each year at tax time. Since 1983, the check-off has contributed over $27,000 annually to this important wildlife program.

Finding Joy Outdoors

The recent Special Edition of Time, The Power of Joy, page 55 contains a side panel with the following tip for finding joy outdoors:


Birds are everywhere, says Becky Cushing, the director of Mass Audubon’s Berkshire Sanctuaries, where she leads mindfulness workshops. She recommends focusing your attention on a single bird:  observe it in detail as if you have never seen a bird before…

  • How does it eat?
  • Does it crack open a seed with its beak?
  • How does it interact with the birds around it?
  • How does its behavior change when a dog strolls by?
  • How many different colors can you count in its feathers?