Bad Rock Canyon WMA Field Trip Report – 2024

By Darcy Thomas

I can’t tell you we didn’t get caught in the rain, but I can tell you we had a lot of fun and saw quite a few fabulous birds. Michell Tyler and I led a group of six birders along the trail from the new parking area to the old parking area by the river and ferried back in my Expedition.

Our 7am start time was cold and windy, but it soon became pleasant. We saw eagles and ravens and a few songbirds. Then the rain came pouring down. We stood under a tree attempting to stay dry, but decided we had better just plug along. We slogged through the forest, then the rain lifted as we entered the meadow. This made the birds happy, and we began noticing them.

Our best sights of the day were a Red-tailed Hawk showing off his plumage as he flew overhead, two Cooper’s Hawks chasing Cedar Waxwings before landing and preening, showing off the beauty of his tail feathers, and a juvenile Double-crested Cormorant who sat on a log in the river and flew near us. All in all, 25 species and a really fun (but wet) walk.