By Margaret Parodi
Nine participants joined Denny Olson on Tuesday, October 8, at the West Valley bird and wildlife viewing site. It was a beautiful clear evening with light wind and mild temperatures. We saw hundreds of Sandhill Cranes feeding in the fields from the viewpoint overlooking the pond. As the light began to wane, the cranes became increasingly agitated and restless, before rising in large groups to fly to ponds north of here, or back to spend the night here safely away from predators. Their bugling call was loud and haunting.
Other birds that we noted included Canada Geese, Mallards, Northern Shovelers, Redhead, a Cinnamon Teal and a Ruddy Duck. A pair of Northern Harriers worked the fields, and along the shore there were numerous pheasants, some dowitchers, a few killdeer, and even a couple of muskrats.
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