Upcoming eBird Event: October 2021 Big Day!

by Dan Casey

Twice a year, the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and eBird sponsor Global Big Days, 24-hour opportunities to celebrate birds near and far. This year’s fall eBird Big Day will be Saturday, October 9. We encourage all Flathead eBirders to submit a variety of checklists on that day. 

By taking part in October Big Day you’re also joining the second-ever Global Bird Weekend (https://globalbirding.org/home) and celebrating World Migratory Bird Day (https://worldmigratorybirdday.org/).

Be a part of the global team, and help set a new record for birding. And if you don’t submit any checklists, you can still keep an eye on how the lists are growing in different parts of the world, with reports from more than 160 countries. Stats will be updated in real-time at https://ebird.org/octoberbigday 

On October Big Day 2020, more than 32,000 participants submitted 80,400 checklists with 7,128 species. How many checklists and participants will we have this year? No matter where you bird, have fun, stay safe, enjoy the birds you find, and share your sightings on eBird. Your observations will help us better understand global bird populations through products like abundance maps (https://ebird.org/science/status-and-trends) brought to you by eBird Science.