Conservation Corner – September 2022

by Carole Jorgensen

Conservation Short Notes

Avian Flu

According to APHIS, there have been 51 cases of wild bird mortality associated with avian flu in Montana, including one bald eagle in Flathead County, as of Aug 2022. Wild birds are apparently more resistant to avian flu than domestic fowl. Feeding birds (once the bears go into hibernation) should be ok according to new guidance from Cornell Lab of Ornithology if you aren’t near domestic bird producers.

Bills for Birds

Last fall, the Biden Administration reversed adverse changes to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that were proposed by the Trump administration, thanks to overwhelming comments from Audubon members and others. Partially in response to the billions of birds lost in recent decades, two bills have been introduced in Congress to strengthen bird protections. Although introduced, these bills need support to proceed further in the process.

Below are links to more info on these subjects. Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. Migratory bird protection act. Federal safe building act of 2021.