by Pam Willison
The 2022 Owen Sowerwine Work Day will be held Saturday, October 1, from 9 am until about noon, and we would be thrilled to have you join us. Meet in the parking lot of Kalispell Montessori (349 Willow Glen Drive), to say hello, and to divide up the jobs (we will not have access to the school building/bathroom). Then we can regroup at the various locations to volunteer a few hours to get some work done and enjoy some time in OSNA. Everyone should wear sturdy footwear, long sleeves, and clothing appropriate for the weather; and bring a pair of work gloves and some water. At least one person in each work group should have bear spray, so if you have it, please bring it.
The various jobs (and the tools you could bring) include: cutting & stacking along the property boundary near Treasure entrance (loppers, gloves, safety glasses); cutting/bagging seed heads along the southern boundary (hand nippers, gloves); emptying nesting boxes (mask/nitrile gloves/small ladder); reworking the edges of ADA trail and bench area (loppers, Pulaski, hoe/shovel/rake, gloves).
If you have questions, call/email: Pam Willison, 406-270-0225, Thanks, and I hope to see you there!!