Join Darcy Thomas and Flathead Audubon for an afternoon of watching migrating Golden Eagles while learning about their migration routes and patterns. Bring a camp chair, binoculars, a spotting scope if you have one, a flask of something hot to drink, and a warm blanket to cover your legs as this is a “bird watching from a chair” outing on a potentially cold day.
Unlike the Jewel Basin Hawk Watch on the Aeneas ridge, where birds pass at eye level, eagles migrate high over the McDonald Valley with their numbers peaking in early October. For those who are unable to hike the strenuous trail to Jewel Basin or up Mount Brown you can still enjoy the Golden Eagles and other raptors from a parking lot. Depending on the weather, dozens of Golden Eagles and other raptors can be observed in a single hour as this is one of the best eagle migration sites in Montana.
Meet at Lake McDonald Lodge parking lot. Contact Darcy Thomas at with questions regarding the trip.