2021-2022 Awesome Authors!

by Darcy Thomas

Our Bird of the Month authors deserve a wonderful word of praise for their contributions to the newsletter this year. Once again, we had a couple of new authors including Alex Crowley who is a 12-year-old bird lover who wrote about the American Coot and even included his own drawings for the March newsletter. Returning authors included Margaret Parodi with her Sandhill Crane article, Denny Olson with one on the Boreal Chickadee, Kat Peterson who braved canoeing and hiking to a backcountry waterfall to study the Black Swift for her article, Ben Long with the charming article on the Canada Goose and me, myself and I who wrote about the American Pipit, the Black Scoter and the Ring-billed Gull.

If you love to write and are interested in authoring an article for the newsletter in the 2022-2023 season, please let me know. Darcy Thomas – darcy@flatheadaudubon.org