2022 Annual May Meeting and Potluck

by Cory Davis

We’re excited to announce that our May potluck and silent auction will be back this year!

Where: Room 26, East side of Gateway Mall (United Way building), along Glenwood Rd, Kalispell

When: Monday, May 9, 2022

Doors Open 5:00 PM,  Potluck Dinner 6:00 PM,  Meeting Begins 7:00 PM.

Please bring your own plates, utensils, and cups. There is no sink to wash dishes so prepare accordingly. Be sure to arrive early enough to look over and bid on silent auction items! Officers and Board Members will also be elected.


It’s Back! – The annual Silent Auction at the Flathead Audubon May Potluck. Now’s the perfect time to gather all of the valuable “stuff” that you might be able to live without. The type of items we’re looking for are bird books, outdoor gear, art work, live bedding plants, homemade pies and cookies and bird houses and feeders of all kinds. We’ll have a few special items that have been donated to FAS and details of those will be coming in next month’s newsletter. Proceeds from the silent auction will benefit our Conservation Education program.