By John Hughes Have you ever been walking in a riparian area and heard what sounded like a cat mewing in the thick understory? Every time this happens to my […]
By Dennis Hester Where are they and why haven’t I been able to spot one in Montana? So you have been all over Montana trying to fill your quail sighting […]
By Lewis Young The Northern Shrike is a solitary “masked hunter” that may be found in the northern U.S., including the Flathead Valley, during the winter. Its scientific name is […]
By Lisa Bate The Vaux’s Swift (Chaetura vauxi) is the smallest swift in North America, just slightly smaller than its eastern counterpart, the Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica). Best described as […]
By Ben Long All wild ducks are beautiful but for my money, the most beautiful is the Northern Pintail. They have a combination of aerial grace, striking plumage, heft and […]
By Ben Young And the winner for the North American “Bird of the Decade” award is . . . the Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto). That was my determination at the […]