February 2025 Chirps and Squawks

By Michele Tohtz, Secretary

  • Rod reviewed the financial report, which was unanimously approved.
  • Dan Casey has completed the wildlife grant application for Jewel Basin Hawk Watch.
  • Shannon announced that we need to look for a new Bigfork Christmas Bird Count Coordinator as Craig Hohenberger will no longer be doing it.
  • Jess has been quite busy establishing connections and planning upcoming educational events.
  • Gael encourages everyone to sign up for Montana Audubon Legislative Action Alerts.
  • Jake set up an email address for the History Committee.
  • The Content Editor position for the newsletter remains vacant.
  • Special kudos to the Board of Directors and Jess for showing up early to the January board meeting to clean out the FAS storage closet and move everything up to the office. They worked hard lifting and hauling all of our supplies themselves to save us money.
  • Thank you Geri for all your hard work and dedication as our content editor. The Pileated Post will miss you!