January 2022 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from the December 6, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Rod Wallette, Treasurer, reported that WCF has discontinued the Day of Giving fundraiser, he is seeking bids to renew the FAS insurance policies, and the Montana Audubon Wildlife Grant application will be submitted. Rod also initiated continuing discussion about investments/endowments at WCF, and it was agreed that a final decision should be made at the March meeting.
  • Jake Bramante explained the equipment and set-up being used to hold the hybrid (live and Zoom) meeting as a test run for the January public meeting. He also reviewed the status of equipment purchases and gave a report on the progress of switching to a new database management program.
  • The Birds and Cats brochure was reviewed and the Board approved going forward, so it will be reviewed by a Humane Society representative, then the final wording formatted by a graphic designer.
  • Denny Olson reported that the script and work on the Native Plants video is moving forward and filming will be completed in the spring; the deer exclosure structure in OSNA was completed and he can now look for a teacher/class to complete baseline information and monitor growth; and, he is working on creating the new education trunk on Osprey.