May 2023 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from the April 3, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Jake Bramante explained that our newsletter is now being printed, prepared and mailed by Insty-Prints, which is an efficient process because all steps are completed at one location.
  • Kay Mitchell said the WFCF Community Grant application has been submitted, and they will be reviewing and making selections soon. Applications for The Great Fish open April 17 and Kay will complete our application.
  • Updates: The field trip committee is looking for a fireside presenter for Warbler Weekend in early June, the learning kits have been moved from the cellar at Lone Pine to Gateway Center, prices and options for purchasing walkie-talkies were discussed, and details for the June 17 Birdathon are coming together (kids participate for free). 
  • Pam Willison gave an Owen Sowerwine report: Spring work days cutting buckthorn are happening now, MCC will be working on the Greenridge entrance the week of April 10 and a grant application will be submitted to Flathead Conservation District.

Cash Rewards for Loon Sightings

The Montana Loon Society and the Montana Common Loon Working Group (CLWG) are once again offering cash prizes for observations of banded loons or confirmed unbanded breeding loons. Two, $100 awards will be decided by a random drawing from all individuals who have submitted at least one observation. For details about the contest go to and click “PRINT PDF” about halfway down the page. The pdf will also give you information on how to observe and report loon bands. 

The most useful band reports are the ones received as soon as possible, so send them in as you see them, even if you are not 100 percent sure of your observation. Send band observations by email to the CLWG at or report your sighting using the free mobile app Survey123. For help using the app, email CLWG.

Wings Across the Big Sky

Online registration is open!

Montana Audubon is excited to announce registration for the Wings Across the Big Sky Festival is open!

Join us at Montana’s premier birding festival, organized by Montana Audubon and this year’s local host chapter, Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon.