September 2021 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from the May 3, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

  • The Board of Directors reviewed and adopted the Financial Policy, which had been compiled, reviewed and edited by the Finance Committee. Some individual items in the policy required a motion. All of those items were well explained by Treasurer Rod Wallette, and the motions made and passed. The components of the plan will be implemented at the earliest feasible date.
  • The Budget for 2021-2022 was thoroughly reviewed, and all questions resolved, so the budget as approved and adopted.
  • Cindy Roberts presented the Educational Strategic Plan for 2021-22, and it was approved.
  • Updates were given on many projects:  Bad Rock Conservation Easement, Birds of Prey Festival, Jewel Basin Hawk Watch, Day of Giving, Field Trip attendance and liability form, and Membership data management.

Birds of Prey Festival Canceled

The Birds of Prey Festival originally scheduled for September 18 at Lone Pine State Park has been canceled due to the risks posed by the resurgence of Covid-19 in the Flathead area. When it is rescheduled sometime in 2022 it will be advertised in the Pileated Post. In its stead, we’ll be having a few smaller activities. Check out the Events Page for Birds of Prey related events as well as all of our other events.

Owen Sowerwine Workday October 9

The 2021 Owen Sowerwine Workday will be held Saturday, October 9, 9 AM until noon. Details will be announced in the October Pileated Post.

Kootenai Forest Fair

If you are looking for a nice little day trip for look no further. The Kootenai Forest Stakeholders Coalition (KFSC) is hosting a Forest Fair in Libby September 24th, 3-6 PM at Riverfront Park. There will be something for everyone with lots of informational tables from a variety of non-profits and businesses that have an interest in the forest. Flathead Audubon will have a table so please stop by to say hi while you are there.

You may enjoy a presentation or demonstration on outdoors skills such as a crosscut competition or fly casting. Kids will have their own activities and a visit with Smokey Bear. Buy a raffle ticket to win a great prize. Food and drinks, including free beer, will be available.

The grand idea is to spark conversation and foster solutions for public lands management better between the Forest Service and the community while celebrating our timber, trails, wildlife, and water.


Job Posting:  Bird of Month Author for the Bird of the Month column.

Job Duties:  Write an engaging article of 700-900 words about a bird you love to be published in the Pileated Post.

Requirements/Qualifications:  Must love birds and know how to type. Should be able to identify the bird you choose to write about.

Benefits & Pay:  Self-satisfaction and praise from others who become your loyal readers. Most definitely bragging rights. May be published in the Daily Interlake.

How to Apply:  email Darcy Thomas at