by Darcy Thomas

15 enthusiastic birders met at Church Slough on March 21 for a wonderful morning of watching waterfowl of all sorts. After an hour at the slough we followed the river, hopped over to Forest Hill Road, and finished up by walking a portion of Sonny Boon Trail. The rain blessedly kept at bay and afforded us a lovely cloudy morning with peek-a-boo looks at blue sky.

We saw Trumpeter Swans, Canada Goose, American Wigeon with one Eurasian in the flock, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser and Greater Scaup, Bufflehead, both Goldeneyes, Green-winged Teal, Mallard, Common Merganser and more. Two highlights that delighted everyone, were a group of Wood Ducks swimming quickly along the shore of Flathead River and two Red-tailed Hawks mating and checking out a nest above the river. What a fun day for all!