Welcome to Flathead Audubon

To conserve birds, wildlife habitat, and ecosystem diversity in northwest Montana, through education and conservation programs.
Redpolls on a fence in West Valley – Photo courtesy Dick Walker

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February General Meeting- The Golden Eagle Highway: Tracking Eagles Captured Along Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front

Join us for a general meeting featuring Rob Domenech, Executive Director of Raptor View Research Institute (RVRI), who will present his long-term research on Golden Eagles. He will discuss heavy metal analysis in blood samples, wing-tagging results, and satellite telemetry tracking of their movements, along with photos and notable stories of tracked eagles.

Find out more about the presentation and how you can attend both in person or virtually, by clicking here.

Find More Birds in the Flathead!

Thank you to Jake Bramante for presenting at our January General Meeting. Watch here as he discusses how to find more birds in the Flathead throughout the year. As seasons change, food sources, habitats, and birds’ needs change along with it. Jake discusses what birds are available when, and how to locate them. Watch his presentation and past presentations here.

Support conservation friendly legislation!

The Montana Legislative Session is now open. Montana Audubon is tracking issues related to birds and their environment. Stay abreast of what is happening and how you can influence these important issues… your voice matters! Sign up for Action Alerts by clicking here and protect our birds, habitat, water, and open spaces!

Where should I bird in the Flathead?

Check out our Birding Hotspots page for some ideas. The Flathead portion of eBird is another great resource to see what other birders are finding nearby!

Past meeting presentations available online

All of our monthly general meetings are recorded and available to watch. Want to learn about the natural history of Trumpeter Swans? How wolves and ravens interact in Yellowstone? Head on over to our Videos page to see all of the past presentations.

Stay updated with the Flathead Audubon Fly-by!

In addition to our monthly Pileated Post, we also have a short email we send out called the Flathead Audubon Fly-by. It contains a brief reminder of events, any last minute announcements, and a splash of birdiness to your inbox. It’s even more important over the summer when our meetings take a break and we have a slew of field trips!

It’s densely packed like peanut butter suet and can be yours by signing up below*.

* You’ll only be signing up for Flathead Audubon communications. We don’t give/sell/distribute your email address to anyone else.

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