
Join Flathead Audubon!


Your membership in Flathead Audubon Society gives you a partner role in maintaining, improving and enjoying the exceptional natural surroundings of our Valley. We are the standard-bearers for local birds and their healthy habitat. Our activities all year are directed toward helping our feathered friends thrive. We invite you to join us in this effort!

Flathead Audubon’s membership year starts October 1. FAS offers two types of memberships. A Basic membership is $25 and covers the costs of production of The Pileated Post monthly newsletter and speakers at our monthly general meetings. A Sustaining membership of $40 helps us pay our yearly license fee for Owen Sowerwine Natural Area and supports the costs of Flathead Audubon’s Conservation Education Program. About half of our annual budget is committed to the Conservation Education Program, which reaches literally thousands of people each year. And Flathead Audubon is always proud to mention that 100% of members’ dues stay in the Flathead Valley, to benefit local children, teens, adults and senior citizens. We keep bird watching local!

National Audubon offers its own very good programs and has its own dues structure. We recommend that you first join and enjoy your own local chapter, Flathead Audubon, and then decide whether to also join National Audubon.

So come on board for a fascinating and fun year!

Renew/Join Online

Join Online

Renew/Join by Mail

Click here for form


Piping Plover Photo Credit: John Carlson
Piping Plover Photo Credit: John Carlson

You can further support the work of the Flathead Audubon Society through an additional donation. In addition to their own membership, many FAS members make donations to Flathead Audubon during the year, to further support the positive work we do. Donations are quite welcome and may be made in honor or in memory of another person. We also accept bequests and similar gifts with deep gratitude and careful stewardship.
