Learning Kits


SIX NEW LEARNING KITS NOW AVAILABLE, for a total of 18! Reserve Flathead Audubon Learning Kits online, and we will deliver them free to your door! 

Flathead Audubon Society has educational materials for teachers, home-schoolers, and others interested in birds, their habitats, and conservation. All Kits are free of charge.

Preschool Bird Costume
Preschool Bird Anatomy Costume

Use these Kits and materials to build, enhance, or tie into a class unit on birds or a complementary habitat topic! These hands-on and interactive materials will provide your students with unique and fun learning opportunities.

Please note: Four of our new Kits are designed to accompany a 7th-8th grade learning sequence culminating in a field trip. They are reserved during certain seasons for classes enrolled in those sequences, for a maximum of one week’s use. See each kit for specifics.

To find out more about these Learning Kits, just click on a specific Kit in the scroll-down menu, or  contact the Flathead Audubon Conservation Educator at educator@flatheadaudubon.org.

Flathead Audubon Learning Kits:

(may be checked out for a maximum of one week)

(Click on Kit names for contents and description.)

Chickadee Who’s Who: Bird ID Basics (1 box)

Owls of Montana (1 Kit, in 3 boxes)

Snowy Owls: Whoo are They?(1 box)

Riparian Wetlands: Birds and the River (1 box, 1 large map tube)

Bird Anatomy and Pre-school/Early Primary Costume (3 different kits in 3 boxes)

Common Birds of the Flathead (1 box)

Bird Field Studies:

  • Field Guides:
    • National Geographic (one box with 20 guides)
  • 6.5 X 32 Eagle Optics binoculars (20 in box)
  • 7 X 35 Nikon binoculars – larger in size (11 in box)
  • Combo box: (20 ‘Montana Birds’ guides, 8  Vector 8×38)

Our Changing Neighborhood Storyboard (1 box)

Cavity Nesters (1 Kit, in 2 boxes)

Hummingbirds (1 box)

NEW! Wetland Kids! (1 box)

NEW! I’m Made of Water! (1 box)

NEW! Sandhill Cranes (1 box, for autumn learning sequence and field trip)

NEW! Winter Birds of Prey (1 box, for winter learning sequence and field trip)

NEW! Spring Waterfowl Migrations (1 box, for early spring learning sequence and field trip)

NEW! River Bottom Ospreys and Songbirds (1 box, for late spring sequence, field trip)

* We also have Supplemental Materials boxes: (1) Bird Skins, (2) Feathers, (3) Nests and Eggs, (4) Plush Bird Toys and Puppets, and (5) Grow Native School Gardens — which can be checked out individually. Some of these are fragile and one-of-a-kind, but can be reserved online and checked out, same method as the Kits.

Check-out Instructions:
