By Shannon Donaldson
On April 15, five participants joined Shannon and Bridger Donaldson at Herron Park for a morning of birding. The group tallied a total of 28 species of birds and several wildflowers.
The Serviceberry and Ninebark were just beginning to leaf out and vibrant larch buds were being consumed by several species. After hearing numerous Spotted Towhee, eventually one sang from a prominent branch so everyone could get a good look. Then, a small flock of Common Redpolls flew in and landed in the top of a nearby larch tree. Four Great Blue Herons and two Sandhill Cranes flew over and a Northern Harrier was spotted off the back side.
Half way through the trip, we saw a dove fly up and disappear into a thick, dead tangle of mistletoe. Bridger took a closer look and found two Mourning Doves on a nest. It was also a good Townsend’s Solitaire day, two were near an overlook foraging with three Mountain Bluebirds and, further down the trail, three more were busy in the understory. It was fairly overcast and we didn’t see many raptors, but did have a good time watching an adult Bald Eagle soar across the valley and lake below.
Thanks for joining us, everyone!
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