Field Trip Report: Going Batty

By Lewis Young.

Thirty-three people, including local hosts Leslie Kehoe and Bob Lee, gathered on August 12 at Kehoe’s Agate Shop, which once again was a wonderful setting for the bat trip.

Bat in Hand -Photo Credit: Lynda Young
Bat in Hand -Photo Credit: Lynda Young

Before the bats began to fly at dusk, bat researchers discussed general bat biology and ecology and demonstrated bat radio transmitters and tracking. The group got to examine electronic “bat detectors”, and the mist nets that would be used for capturing bats.

At dusk bats began flying in large numbers. 20 were netted in 20 minutes. Those captured were mostly Little Brown Bats, but some may have been Yuma Myotis. Guano samples of the possible Yuma Myotis were taken for DNA testing to determine which species. All participants were able to get a close look at the bats as bat researchers removed the captured animals from the nets, and as they weighed, measured, and identified the bats before releasing them.