Join us for a four day, three night birding blitz to central Montana, May 22-25, 2020. We’ll be visiting some of the premier birding hotspots in central Montana including Bowdoin and Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuges, Tiber Reservoir, Giant Falls, Freezout Lake, plus many “specialty” locations known through the birding community.
We hope to see about 130+ Montana species and we’ll be trying for some of these specialties:Eastern Screech Owl, Sprague’s Pipit, Green-tailed Towhee, Chestnut-collared and McCown’s Longspurs, Long-billed Curlew, Black-bellied Plover, Upland Sandpiper, Black-crowned Night Heron, White-faced Ibis, Short-eared Owl, Baird’s Sparrow, Lark Bunting, and Sharp-tailed Grouse.
The trip will be led by local birders Bob Lee, Leslie Kehoe, and Cory Davis. Cost is $850 ($800 for FAS members) and includes transportation, 3 nights’ accommodations, breakfasts and lunches (not dinners), and bird guiding by folks who know where to go!
Party size will be small with 6-9 participants so book now! $150 deposit will hold a space until April 15 with refund. Full payment due after that date refundable if replacement participant is found.
To sign up or ask questions contact Cory Davis at (406) 471-3314 or cory@flatheadaudubon.org. Payment by check preferred though other arrangements can be made.
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