Celebrating Birds of Prey – September 12-19th, 2020

by Gael Bissell

close up photo of bird on tree branch
Photo by Harrison Haines on Pexels.com

 In place of our traditional September one-day Birds of Prey Festival at Lone Pine, we will offer a week-long celebration of birds of prey with cool opportunities for you and your family to see and learn more about these incredible flying predators. 

We actually begin focusing on birds of prey in late August, when our Jewel Basin Hawk Watch begins. September is a great time to climb up to Jewel Basin to see migrating hawks and eagles up close and take part in the Hawk Watch. See Dan Casey’s article for details. 

Birds of Prey will also be a focus at Lone Pine State Park. Starting August 26, new life sized Raptors-In-Flight Silhouettes will be displayed  along a self-guided tour. See our Events page and the Lone Pine State Park website for Birds of Prey presentations.

Sunday Sept 13 or Tues. Sept 15 at 2 PM. join FAS at Wild Wings Recovery Center for live birds of prey identification at their outdoor facility. Details in our Events page.

Sept 15, 16, and 17, Montana Audubon’s Chief Science Coordinator, Amy Seaman, will offer a series of three online Raptor Identification workshops at 10 AM and 4 PM. Each day she will focus on a different group of species. Details can be found here

Sept 18 & 19 (Friday & Saturday) Denny Olson will lead a socially distanced Birds of Prey in Fight mini-course at Lone Pine. Details can be found here.