Eureka CBC 2019 Results

by Lewis Young

The 27th annual Eureka Christmas Bird Count was held on Saturday December 14 in moderate weather that ranged from 28°F to 32°F. Koocanusa Reservoir was unfrozen as were the streams but smaller lakes and ponds were frozen. Foggy weather in the morning confronted the 25 people that went to the field as well as those counting at 13 feeders. Fifty-one species and 3033 individuals were recorded. The species total was lower than the last few years but well within our long-term count totals. The total number of individual birds (3033) was is in the middle of the range for our long-term counts. 

Bohemian Waxwing (622), Canada Goose (471), and Mallard (206) were the most numerous species observed.

Only 1-3 individuals were seen for 14 species such as Ruffed Grouse, Golden Eagle, Great Horned Owl, Northern Pygmy Owl, Northern Shrike, Brown Creeper, and Snow Bunting. The species may change from year to year but the low numbers of numerous species happens every year.

A record high count was recorded for American Dipper (13) and Blue Jay (14). No new species were reported this year, leaving a total of 123 that have been seen at least once in 27 years.

Thanks to everyone that helped make this another successful count!