Fourth Annual Flathead Audubon Bird-a-thon – Saturday, June 18

For the fourth consecutive year, the Tanagers and the Jays will face off, searching mountains, meadows, streams and backyard bird feeders to see which team can find the most bird species in one day.

After three consecutive years in second place, the Jays have a new leader in Jake Bramante. Will the Tannehill Tanagers continue their winning streak or will Jake’s Jays become the 2016 Birdathon Champs?

But the real question of the day is who will have the most fun?  Of course, it is the team finding the most species of birds from morning to night on that momentous Saturday or the team member finding that rare species.  There is no doubt, fun will be had!

Flathead Audubon invites you to join in supporting one of its teams.  Each team must complete the count within 24 hours. Team members can bird all day or for an hour to two at their feeders or favorite birding habitat. The competition will end in a tallying of species, a declaration of a winning team, as well as a discussion of favorite sightings.

The Birdathon works like any other “athon,” where team members seek donations either per bird species seen or as a pre-determined amount. In the last three years we had exceptional days for birding with teams seeing from 130 to over 160 species. We hope to repeat these high numbers, but weather is always an issue that we can’t control.

Funds from pledges received will be applied to our education and conservation efforts: FAS education trunks, workshops; Beauty of Birds class; license and maintenance of Owen Sowerwine Natural Area.

When contacted, we hope you will support Flathead Audubon’s efforts.

If you would like to join one of the Birdathon teams or support a team with a donation, email Bruce Tannehill at