Going Batty Field Trip 2022 recap

by Darcy Thomas and Kathy Ross

Townsend’s Big-eared Bat – Photo by Carson Cantrell

“Going Batty” was finally back this year with a surprising, uncommon bat guest. A Townsends Big-eared Bat was a special treat for bat biologists and participants, young and old. The enthusiasm for bats was shared by all! Thanks so much to Leslie Kehoe for once again letting us share her beautiful batty habitat and to the wonderful biologists that shared their wealth of knowledge and endless dedication to help us understand this interesting mammal we share the night and world with. Thanks to Lisa Bate, Lewis Young, Jesse Coltrane, Gabby Eaton and Leah Breidinger. Also, a special thank you to Kathy Ross who handled signups for the event.

If you missed the “Going Batty” field trip this year watch for this interesting event next August.