The 2022 migration season at the Jewel Basin Hawk Watch concluded 20 October, as a dramatic shift in the weather dropped enough snow to make safe access to the site no longer possible. A season characterized by sunny skies and consistent coverage led to above average numbers across almost all species, but record numbers for none. Our final survey 20 October was the 49th survey of the season, our third highest survey effort in 15 seasons. Nine primary observers conducted 1-23 surveys each, averaging 6.6 hours and 58 birds counted (88 birds/100hr). We tallied 2,851 raptors of 17 species. Along the way we recorded our 26,000th Accipiter, our 18,000th Sharp-shinned Hawk, our 4,000th Buteo and our 1,000th American Kestrel over the history of our count. We have now counted more than 40,000 raptors at the site since 2007. Our season totals have exceeded our 14-yr mean counts for 15 species, with only Northern Goshawks (23) and Peregrine Falcons (10) recorded in below average numbers. Our season totals were as follows; thank you to our stalwart technician, Josh Covill, and to all the volunteers made this season a success. A full report summarizing this year’s data and 15-yr trends, will be produced this winter. By Dan Casey, JBHW Coordinator

Turkey Vulture5
Bald Eagle71
Northern Harrier48
Sharp-shinned Hawk1,333
Cooper’s Hawk392
Northern Goshawk23
Unidentified Accipiter62
Broad-winged Hawk47
Swainson’s Hawk4
Red-tailed Hawk234
Ferruginous Hawk2
Rough-legged Hawk27
Unidentified Buteo13
Golden Eagle 444
American Kestrel78
Peregrine Falcon10
Prairie Falcon12
Unidentified Eagle3
Unidentified Raptor10