October 2022 Jewel Basin Hawk Watch Update

by Dan Casey

American Kestrel

We have counted 660 raptors of 16 species during our first 21 surveys (through Sept 17th). Migration has been relatively slow to pick up, perhaps due to stable high pressure and smoke. This has been only the second time we have gone this deep into the migration season without recording a daily total of 100 or more birds counted. Our totals for our four most common species (Sharp-shinned, Cooper’s and Red-tailed Hawks, Golden Eagles) were all below our 14-yr average for this point in the season, although just a few good days with passing cold fronts should remedy that!  We recorded our 1000th American Kestrel over the history of the count on September 6th.

Please consider joining us on the ridge!

  • Turkey Vulture 4
  • Osprey 4
  • Bald Eagle 11
  • Northern Harrier 23
  • Sharp-shinned Hawk 274
  • Cooper’s Hawk 150
  • Northern Goshawk 10
  • Unidentified Accipiter 16
  • Broad-winged Hawk 1
  • Swainson’s Hawk 2
  • Red-tailed Hawk 86
  • Ferruginous Hawk 1
  • Unidentified Buteo 7
  • Golden Eagle 23
  • American Kestrel 35
  • Merlin 6
  • Peregrine Falcon 2
  • Prairie Falcon 2
  • Unidentified Eagle 1
  • Unidentified Raptor 2

Total 660