40 Years of FAS Newsletters Coming to Website – Newsletter Editors to be Honored in May

by Linda Winnie The Accipiter Express, Vol 1, # 1, March 1977, was the first issue of Flathead Audubon’s newsletter — two sheets of yellow paper, typing on both sides, stapled together. It’s fun to read. Topics include: March 1977 meeting Friday ”at the Bigfork Grade School Cafeteria (Small Log Building)”, 3 field trips (including…

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Eureka CBC 2016 Report

by Lewis Young, compiler The 24nd annual Eureka Christmas bird count was held on Saturday December 17 in bitter cold weather that ranged from -17F to +3F. Twelve hardy people went to the field and 16 people counted at their feeders.  Fifty-two species and 2206 individual birds were recorded.  There were record high counts for…

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