2017 OSNA Volunteer Monitoring Season Starts this Month

Can you help?

From Linda Winnie, Co-Chair, Owen Sowerwine Committee

Information Kiosk in Owen Sowerwine Natural Area Photo Credit: Linda Winnie
Information Kiosk in Owen Sowerwine Natural Area Photo Credit: Linda Winnie

Flathead Audubon’s OSNA Volunteer Monitoring Program starts its 11th year in March.

This Program provides the on-site information that underpins our management of the Owen Sowerwine Natural Area.

Reports from Volunteer Monitors keep our OSNA On-the-Ground Manager up to date on maintenance needs at Owen Sowerwine, and add to our records on the bird and wildlife and native vegetation species present at Owen Sowerwine. In addition, Volunteer Monitors relay feedback from OSNA visitors and neighbors that helps us improve our management of the Area.


Just take an OSNA Volunteer Monitoring Form with you when you visit OSNA, and use it to tell us what you observe. The fill-in-the-blank and check-list parts of the Form give guidance on what to look for, and there is also space for recording additional information and writing comments. The filled-out form is sent to Rick Mace (address on form).

We also need volunteers to do scheduled monitoring visits, to insure regular flow of information. To sign up for a scheduled monitoring visit, let me know your preferred monitoring period – month and first or last half. For more information see the OSNA section of the FAS website (under CONSERVATION), or contact me: Linda Winnie, 755-1406 or lindawin@centurytel.net.

The Monitoring Form can be printed from the OSNA section of the website, along with an OSNA trail map. These will also be available at FAS meetings, or contact me to have them mailed to you.

THANK YOU to all who have served as Volunteer Monitors over the years. Your help has been invaluable! Please let me know if you are able to help again this year.