OSNA Weed Work – Fall 2020

By Pam Willison

Owen Sowerwine Natural Area Entrance
Owen Sowerwine Natural Area Entrance

In addition to the work done by our two weed spraying contractors, Todd Butts and Jon Hesselwood, a number of people worked as volunteers to help control invasive plant species in Owen Sowerwine this spring and summer. A big THANK-YOU to:  Denny Olson, Pam Willison, Sally Cameron-Russell, Derrick Rathe, Will Beyer, and Gael Bissell. It’s an on-going challenge to control the invasive and noxious species. We appreciate your time and muscle. 

If anyone else would like to volunteer, you will need to take a sturdy garbage bag, gloves (leather is best), and some hand nippers. You can cut, bag and dispose of the seed heads from the houndstongue, or dig or pull, then bag and dispose of ox-eye daisy or knapweed. Be sure to take the bags to the green bins or landfill. Please let Pam Willison know what you’ve accomplished so she can record your volunteer work in the “weed log” (pam@flatheadaudubon.org)

Also, it was a busy year for wind-blown trees. Many thanks to those who helped keep the trails clear:  Rick Mace, Rod Wallette, Will Beyer, Pam Willison, Denny Olson, and anyone else who helped.

Happy Trails to all who visit Owen Sowerwine!!