OSNA Workday Successful

by Linda Winnie

Lewis getting ready to saw – Photo Credit: Denny Olson

In spite of a “100% Rain” forecast, 12 volunteers showed up for work at 9 AM at the Kalispell Montessori School for the 16th annual OSNA Fall  – Workday, held Saturday, September 30, 2017. It turned out to be a beautiful fall morning – no rain, partly cloudy, cool temperatures – a perfect time to just be out and about in Owen Sowerwine.

The usual trail maintenance was done – clearing, lopping low-hanging branches, and mowing along the edges. Also the usual clipping and bagging of thistle heads and mature houndstongue stalks inside the Treasure Lane and Greenridge entrances and beyond. The crew at the Greenridge entrance also pulled out a rusty car fender. And new this year was removal of non-native viburnum (Viburnum opulus). Two people working with chainsaws removed the heavy growth along wet & dry water ways, starting inside Treasure Lane and working down to the big ravine to the east, then north in ravine. There remains more to be removed in the southern end of the ravine – a job for another day.

When the work was finished, everyone returned to the Montessori School to share stories of the day while enjoying cookies and cake. A quick poll was taken: “Did you have a good time?”, “Do you feel you accomplished a lot?” “Did you like the cookies?” The result was a unanimous “Yes”, “Yes”, and “Yes”. It was a good morning spent with Audubon friends at Owen Sowerwine.

Bob & Devvi with weed bags – Photo Credit: Linda Winnie