Owen Sowerwine Natural Area Entrance
Owen Sowerwine Natural Area Entrance7

1. Help with summer Monitoring

Scheduled Volunteer Monitors are still needed to cover the last half of June, and both the first and last halves of July and August. Sign up at the May potluck, or contact Linda Winnie at lindawin626@gmail.com or 755-1406. 

And please remember, you can help anytime by sending us your observations whenever you visit OSNA this summer. Just take along an OSNA Monitoring Form and use it to tell us what parts of Owen Sowerwine you visited, and what you saw and heard there. Get the form and a trail map from www.flatheadaudubon.org/conservation/OSNA or contact Linda Winnie to have it mailed or emailed it you. 

Feedback from Volunteer Monitors helps Flathead Audubon do a better job of managing Owen Sowerwine! THANK YOU to ALL who help with OSNA Monitoring! 


The OSNA Weed Committee is throwing a Weed Party! 

When – Early August, depending on weather and weed growth.

Why – after our OSNA summer weed management efforts we need to assess the success of those efforts and to remove the seed heads on any remaining weeds before they spread at the end of summer. 

How do I join? First, simply send your email address to Rick Mace to let him know you are interested: rickmace535@gmail.com. In late July, he will let you know the date, place, and time of the party, and what to bring; you can then let him know if you are able to help out. We are hoping to recruit about a dozen helping hands. Questions? Call Rick at 406-407-6148. Thanks!


Join with other FAS members to work on fall OSNA projects. Watch for more details in the September 2018 Pileated Post.