Work Day In A Beautiful Place

by Pam Willison, Work Day Coordinator

Owen Sowerwine Trail Map – courtesy Denny Olson

After a chilly morning, the sun warmed the air and highlighted the beauty of the colorful leaves and the rippling Stillwater River. It really was a great day to enjoy the exceptional autumn sights offered in the Owen Sowerwine area. Fourteen volunteers worked a total of 41 hours on various tasks in the Owen Sowerwine area during the fall work day on October 7.

Nine volunteers waded the brisk water of the Stillwater River to access the shore of the Big Island portion of Owen Sowerwine and dug and pulled five bags of oxeye daisy, mullein, and spotted knapweed along the bank of the river. In addition, a couple volunteers went further inland on the island and cut numerous invasive barberry shrubs. Elsewhere, other volunteers completed a final plot point of a vegetation survey completed every five years, tallied the results of two vegetation research sites, cleared the nest boxes located throughout the Mainland portion of Owen Sowerine, and hunted down houndstongue seed heads. It’s worth mentioning that thanks to our efforts, there were very few houndstongue!! 

Many thanks to the hard-working volunteers: Mary, Darcy, Grant, Ronda, Kay, Gael, Rod, Pam, Denny, Keanu, Bridger, Shannon, Jane, and Will. You’re the best!!