Note: Individuals may visit the Owen Sowerwine property without group use approval, but are required to possess a valid Montana Conservation License which is available online and at locations that sell hunting and fishing licenses.

Owen Sowerwine is located on State Trust Land, which is administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC).  DNRC regulations apply to groups, and all visitors.

Group use is not intended to provide “for-profit” opportunities for organizations or individuals, as per DNRC Regulations prohibiting commercial use of these State Lands without appropriate DNRC authorization.

Trip Leader/Teacher must be willing to sign to accept the Terms and Conditions of Group Use (we’ll make the words a hyperlink to a PDF of the terms), and must agree to inform participants of the OREOS (Outdoor Recreation Expectations for Owen Sowerwine) (we’ll make the words a hyperlink to the PDF both here and below where they say that they’ve read them).

To apply, please fill out the form below:

Contact Information





Which areas and/or trails will you visit?(required)

Which entrance? (limited parking – do not violate)(required)

Is the event open to the public or restricted to your group members?(required)