Dan Casey will be leading three Sunday morning bird walks along the Sonny Boon Memorial Trail in
Somers during this spring migration season Sunday, April 24, May 8 or May 22, from 8am -10 am. . The paved trail follows a portion of the old railroad bed alongSomers Slough and offers excellent views of waterfowl as well as a wide variety of land-birds reliant on the diverse riparian habitat. Indeed, 157 species have been reported at this eBird hotspot
(https://ebird.org/hotspot/L1390990). These round-trip walks will be one mile each way, and will last
approximately 2 hours, starting at 8 am. Attendance is limited to 10 people.
Please call Dan at 406-270- 5941 to reserve spots on the attendance list.
Walks will be held on the following dates:
24 April: Waterfowl, early migrants (e.g. swallows, Nashville Warbler, Spotted Towhee)
8 May: Increasing numbers of new arrivals (e.g. Western Tanager, Yellow Warbler)
22 May: Most breeding species back on territories (e.g. Gray Catbird, Black-headed Grosbeak)