Gary Swant will be the featured speaker at the Monday, Oct. 9 meeting of the Flathead Audubon Society at 7pm. In 1993, Gary set a goal of birding all seven continents. In 2022, he achieved that goal while visiting 37 countries and territories. His presentation features his favorite birds on each continent, and his favorite countries to bird, along with other interesting tidbits and stories about his many birding endeavors.
Gary is a top-notch birder and a prolific author. He currently holds the record for seeing the most birds in Montana (382 species). He writes a monthly column for four Montana weekly newspapers and last year published a birding book, “My Montana Birds”.
Gary is also founder of GoBird Montana, which does public bird walks, guided tours and field research for organizations such as Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and others. He also currently serves as vice-chair for the Berkeley Pit Mitigation Council.