Flathead Audubon will hold a volunteer work party on Saturday, March 9 from 9 AM to noon to help reduce the amount of Houndstongue weeds in the Owens Sowerwine Natural area and around the new education trail behind the Montessori school in Kalispell. The tall Houndstongue seed heads are sticking up above the snow, making them easy to remove. Help reduce the number of seeds before they start to germinate in the spring.
Meet in the Montessori School parking lot at 9 AM. Bring leather gloves and clippers. Bags for the seed heads will be provided. Snowshoes are recommended – a few extra pairs will be available for volunteers who need them. For more information, contact Denny Olson at docwild.mt@gmail.com.
For more information, visit the Flathead Audubon website: www.flatheadaudubon.org