2020 FAS Election – Time to Vote!

2020 Elections Instructions

by Bob Lee

As you are probably aware by now, the elections for Flathead Audubon are taking place by proxy. The procedure for proxy voting is fairly simple. Anyone who was a FAS member as of May 2020 is eligible to vote; individual members are allowed 1 vote, families who are members (either those with a National Audubon Family Membership or have signed up as a family for a Flathead Audubon Basic or Supporting Membership) are allowed 2 votes. Our usual voting procedure is a voice vote, so anonymity will not be maintained, and we are asking that you sign your ballot. If your membership is for your family, please indicate this on the ballot, enter the names of the two family members who are voting and include their signatures, and cast 2 votes for the candidate of their choice. 

Print the PDF ballot provided which you can download here, make your selection(s) and add needed information and signatures, and mail the ballot to PO Box 9173, Kalispell MT 59904. Gael Bissell, as President, is calling a special Board meeting on 11 October at 1:00 PM at Lone Pine State Park where the proxy ballots will be counted. Ballots must be received by Saturday, 10 October 2020 to be eligible. Election will be for those candidates that receive a majority of the proxy votes. Our usual voting procedure is a voice vote, so anonymity will not be maintained, and we are asking that you sign your ballot. In an effort to encourage voting, all signed ballots will go into a drawing for 1 of 2 bluebird houses generously donated by Pam Willison. If you have any questions, please contact Bob Lee at 406-270-0371 or RML3@centurytel.net.

There are two issues to be addressed: election of Officers and Directors and a change to the ByLaws to allow business meetings to be conducted by electronic means (such as Zoom). The Officer positions are Secretary and Treasurer. There is only one candidate per officer position on this ballot; please select the candidate or select ALL to vote for both. The slate of Director candidates are listed on the ballot. Vote for each individually or select ALL to vote for the entire slate. You may also write in a candidate(s) in either category. The change to the ByLaws is also on the ballot. Vote FOR  to add the change to allow electronic meetings; vote AGAINST to not allow electronic meetings. 

Note that Mike Fanning has been added to the ballot. Mike has been a long-time member of FAs and has served on the Board for many years in many capacities. Currently he is the chair of the Membership Committee and his main task is berating people into paying their dues. Mike would like to continue in this capacity.