Awesome Authors

by Darcy Thomas

Pileated Woodpecker Photo Credit: John Winnie
Pileated Woodpecker Photo Credit: John Winnie

One of the great joys of the Pileated Post is reading the Bird of the Month column. I’m sure everyone would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to the authors who put paper to pen for our newsletter this year. Several new authors joined the crew of seasoned authors so a special show of appreciation goes to Taryn Bushey who wrote about the California Condor, Kat Peterson for her article on the Wood Duck, Anthony Nelson for his article on the African Penguin, Pam Willison who wrote about the Varied Thrush, and Darcy Thomas for her article on the Lesser Scaup. Three seasoned authors provided articles as well. An ardent thank you is due to Linda de Kort for writing about the Mallard, Margaret Parodi for her article on the Clark’s Nutcracker and Lewis Young for his article on the Townsend’s Big-eared Bat.

You don’t have to have a special talent or English degree to write a Bird of the Month article. You just need to possess a desire to research birds and write something you think will be enjoyable to others. If any of you reading this are interested in writing and seeing your article published in the Pileated Post next year please contact Darcy Thomas at