March 2024 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from the February 5, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting

  • The Board passed and signed a resolution agreeing to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with DNRC and Flathead Land Trust, and to serve as a Third Party Cooperator for the Owen Sowerwine property. The Board authorized Darcy Thomas to sign the agreement for Flathead Audubon.
  • Dee Baginski and Jake Bramante reported on the progress of Flathead Audubon merchandise. Three styles of hats will be available by the March 11 general meeting, and the vests will soon be available for pre-order, and ready in April.
  • Denny Olson reported that he has a busy month ahead being involved in school field trips, the spelling bee, science fairs, and planning for Earth Day activities.
  • Shannon Donaldson said that in order to assess the level of interest for a Junior Bird Club, the committee will plan monthly events for April through September.
  • Pam Willison is applying for a 310 permit for Owen Sowerwine and will schedule some work days to repair the two warped bridges. She also noted there won’t be any large work days for cutting buckthorn this year, but plans for small crews to use the injection lance to rework cut areas and treat remaining buckthorn.
  • Kay Mitchell is gathering the required information for the Great Fish Community Challenge application.

Nongame Wildlife Tax Check-off

When filling out your Montana tax form this year, think “wildlife” by donating to the Nongame Wildlife Program, found on Form 2, page 11, under Contributions. If your taxes are prepared, tell your accountant that you want to donate to wildlife! Your contributions are tax deductible on next year’s return. Montana has more than 500 species of “nonage” animals that benefit from public support each year at tax time. Since 1983, the check-off has contribute over $27,000 annually to this important wildlife program.

Helping Hands Make Light Work

by Darcy Thomas

We could really use a few new people on some of our Flathead Audubon committees. We are especially in need of help with the Conservation and Education committees. When you think about it, that is what we do at Flathead Audubon, and yet those are the two committees that have sparse support. Please step up and get involved, so we can continue the work we do to help the birds we love. 

Another committee that can use some new volunteers is the Field Trip committee. When I was first asked to lead a field trip my response was, “I don’t know the birds well enough!” But I decided to give it a try and found out it is fun to go birdwatching with other people. What I didn’t know, someone else knew. And, if no one knew, we figured it out together. If you are familiar with a good birding hotspot and think other people would enjoy it, then you will be good at leading a field trip. 

Let me know which committee you would like to assist with, and I will put you in touch with the right person. It will be so nice to have you on board!