by Darcy Thomas

As I write, sunshine glints through my morning window touching the table with warmth and hinting of a beautiful day ahead. Gone are the dog days of summer. Fall is such a pleasant time for getting outside and enjoying all the fine activities Montana has to offer – kayaking, hiking, bicycling, and best of all, birding.

By the time you read this newsletter, autumn will be in full swing. I am planning to don my Muck boots and tromp through the woods every chance I get. Now is a good time to revisit some of your favorite hot spots or find a new place to look for birds. Don’t forget to spend a little time at Owen Sowerwine where you are likely to see woodpeckers, juncos, nuthatches, Bald Eagles and more. Flathead Audubon and Montana Audubon jointly manage this area that is rich with natural habitat. Because it is DNRC property you must have a Montana Conservation License. Buy it online here, Owen Sowerwine is a wildlife and bird habitat area managed to minimize human disturbance, so please keep your dogs at home and enjoy the quiet beauty of nature.