Jewel Basin Hawk Watch Mid-Season Update 2023

by Dan Casey With another 21 surveys conducted since the last update in the Pileated Post, the 16th season of raptor surveys in the Jewel Basin has continued to result in above-average numbers for many species. We had tallied 2,586 raptors of 17 species as of October 15th. These included record numbers of Broad-winged Hawks,…

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Flathead Valley Bird Report – November 2023

by Dan Casey Rare and Notables –  September/October 2023 It was an excellent month for migration, with record numbers of Broad-winged Hawks at the Jewel Basin Hawk Watch, and an influx of gulls (including Lesser Black-backed and Short-billed). A small group of Greater White-fronted Geese in Somers was followed by two which spent several days…

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Update on the Proposed Owen Sowerwine Conservation Easement

by Gael Bissell The Spring Match Challenge was hugely successful! First, our members donated another $13,656 during the Challenge Match (on top of the $23,686 donated prior). Because of the value of Owen Sowerwine to the Flathead Valley and the outpouring of community support, Flathead Audubon received a generous and unexpected $50,000 Community Grant from…

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