Flathead Audubon also has boxes of supplemental materials relating to birds, which can be checked out online. They include:

Plush Toy Birds and Puppets Box (good for stimulating the interest in birds for pre-school and primary ages)

Bird Skins (fragile and very difficult to replace; need extra care in handling)

Bird Feathers (wide variety and difficult to replace)

Nests and Eggs (fragile; recommended for older students)

Grow Native: School Gardens Resource Box (for ideas on landscaping school grounds for wildlife)

Contact educator@flatheadaudubon.org for further questions.

Also available from other sources for bird education:

Songbird Kit – (Grades K-8) – free from Glacier National Park (Contact Laura Law, Education Specialist, 406/888-5837 or laura_law@nps.gov) This dynamic trunk has activities geared for the classroom as well as outdoors relating to songbirds and migration. Resource materials, activities, videos, a felt storyboard, posters, recorded bird songs, and puppets all help students learn more about the natural history of several Montana songbirds.

Loon Trunk – (Grades pre-K-12) – free from Montana Loon Society (or call the Flathead National Forest Supervisor’s Office 406/758-5204 or twenum@fs.fed.us) – Meet “Lottie” the Loon, who plays a true loon wail, learn how to identify a loon by dressing up a student, participate in games to learn how pollution is harmful to loons through the process of bioaccumulation; examine topographic maps to determine what lakes would make a good territory for a pair of nesting loons. This box contains a wealth of fun, hands-on items including a loon egg replica, puppets, scripts, videos, posters and much more to learn about Montana Loons. A three-ring notebook is full of lesson and activity ideas that meet Montana Content and Performance Standards for science, math, social studies, art, and language arts.