Education Committee News – January 2018

by Gail Shay Linne, Education Chair

Educational Trunk Lesson in Action
Educational Trunk Lesson in Action

The Flathead Audubon Society’s Education committee met on December 4, 2017. We reviewed education activities and explored ways to offer more programs to area senior groups. New programs for elders will be presented in upcoming general meetings. Denny Olson reported about Owen Sowerwine access and the cottonwood tree regeneration International Baccalaureate project.

We also discussed the Audubon trunks and will introduce an ‘Adopt-a-School’ program to members in order to increase opportunities for teachers to use the trunks. Two of our members have successfully adopted schools.

Linda de Kort offers a naturalist program at West Valley School. Speakers are invited to talk about natural history topics for evening programs. She hosts spring geology and botany field trips and helps teachers and students maintain the native plant gardens, judges at the school science fair and presents awards to students whose projects focus on natural history topics. Linda also encourages community members to help with the Christmas Bird Count and offers to pick up and return trunks.

Kathy Ross and our conservation educators have worked with Somers Elementary School sixth graders to engage the youngsters in the Great Backyard Bird Count. We will bring trunks to Audubon meetings and ask for volunteer help. Is there a school you could adopt to help children and youth learn about birds, climate change and conservation?