Education Committee News – March 2018

Adopt-a-School Trunk Program and Call for Ambassadors

by Gail Shay Linne, Education Chair

Two Montana Veteran Home residents enjoy holding a Snowy Owl pupped during the trunk program on Valentine’s Day

The Education Committee formed a sub-committee to update our trunk program. We now have permanent storage for the trunks at Montana Fish and Game’s Lone Pine State Park facility, the trunks have been inventoried and items cleaned and organized, and formed the Audubon Ambassador program.

We are seeking Flathead Audubon members who become Ambassadors to bring the world of birds to students, adults and elders. Ambassador opportunities include shuttling trunks from and from storage to a school or agency, setting out materials prior to use, familiarizing the teacher with the trunk’s content, or even presenting a trunk program.

Visit Flathead Audubon’s website and click on ‘Lifetime Learning’ to read the list and descriptions of the trunks available.

You are invited to attend a brief training about the trunk program on March 12 which will be given by Linda de Kort. Meet at the United Way conference room from 6:30 to 6:55 PM. The Audubon general meeting will follow at 7 PM.

Happy Birding!