Education Committee News – May 2018

by Gail Shay Linne, Education Chair

Educational Trunk Lesson in Action
Educational Trunk Lesson in Action

The FAS Education Committee has been busy these past two months evaluating the “Education Program Strategic Plan, 2015-2019” and planning for the next steps for the Chapter’s education program. The document is comprehensive and directly reflects FAS’s education programs. A copy of the Strategic Plan will be available on Flathead Audubon’s website by mid-May 2018.

I also invite you to visit the website and click on ‘Lifetime Learning’ to view the educational trunks that are available. The trunks are available year-round, and we offer Ambassadors who will shuttle trunk to any group who wish to use the material. Presenters are also available to teach the trunks. Assisted living facilities, private agencies, and summer programs for children and youth are just a few of the community groups who can benefit from the trunks. Please contact Linda De Kort, Denny Olson or myself should you know of a group who would like to use one of the trunks.

Thank you to Flathead Audubon’s 2017-18 education committee members Renee Cordes, Linda de Kort, Amy Jacobs, Kathy Ross, Rod Wallette, and Denny Olsen, Conservation Contractor. These people’s generous time and contributions, expertise and positive energy allowed our committee to complete our work, and to build on our education programs.

Happy Birding