Flathead Audubon Out and About Fall 2021

by Darcy Thomas and Pam Willison

Darcy Thomas represented Flathead Audubon at the Forestry Fair in Riverfront Park in Libby on September 24. The fair was sponsored by the Kootenai Forest Stakeholders Coalition. Darcy set up an educational table and provided information about forestry birds. Many people stopped to talk about birds and forest conservation, to pick up a bird list or other print materials, and the kids received coloring pages, crayons and stickers.

On September 24th, Darcy also helped Pam Willison prepare a display table at Gateway Center for the United Way kick-off event of their annual fundraising campaign. In addition to the usual printed materials, the display included the eye-catching vertical banners designed by Susie Waldron and Denny Olson, a red-eyed vireo nest, some bird posters/artwork, a nesting box, and a bird identification book. We received several compliments on the display, which is shown in the accompanying photo.

photo courtesy Pam Willison