April 2023 Program – Informing Avian Conservation Through Local Research, Landscape-scale Conservation, and Embracing New Technologies

Presented by Victoria Dreitz

Phot by Victoria Dreitz

Dr. Victoria Dreitz, Director of the Avian Science Center and Professor in Wildlife Biology, will be the featured speaker at the Monday, April 10 meeting of the Flathead Audubon Society at 7 p.m. (See below on how to join in person and online via Zoom). Her presentation will cover her research using adaptive management processes to meet avian management objectives in Montana. She will also discuss birds as bioindicators of landscapes and ecosystems showing which species are most in need of conservation and show how ornithologists use changing technology to do research in avian conservation.

Dr. Dreitz earned her BS from Colorado State University and earned her PhD from University of Miami. One of the objectives of her PhD was to develop a monitoring program that assisted in understanding the mechanisms driving the population status of the Snail Kite. This monitoring program has been used for over 20 years. After many years studying birds in Florida and in Colorado as a research scientist for Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Dr. Dreitz moved to Missoula in 2011 to work with the next generation of wildlife professionals (e.g., university students).

For those coming to the meeting, on April 10th, we’ll meet in Room 26 of the Gateway Mall (United Way building) at 7 PM. This room is on the east side of the building along Glenwood Rd in Kalispell. Look for our banner hanging outside. 

For those joining virtually, check your Pileated Post for the link or email us at info@flatheadaudubon.org for the link. You should eventually be let into a “waiting room” where you will then be added to the meeting by the host. Please sign in with your name when you enter the room so we know to admit you. You will be muted when you first join the meeting. You can use your computer’s microphone and speakers (most computers have both, whether you see them or not), and this is the preferred way to join.