Our Annual Meeting is coming up May 9th with Potluck and Silent Auction in the Gathering Place, Gateway East and United Way. Over the last two years, we have accumulated many cool items such as rare books, limited edition prints, original paintings, and outstanding photos! Below are our highlights but all of these items can be seen on our website by going to flatheadaudubon.org and clicking on the May 22 Auction article. Highlights:
- Limited edition beautifully framed “Cardinals” print by David Chapple (donated by anonymous from Columbia Falls);
- 2 sets of oversize leather-bound Eastern and Western Field Guide Art books of Roger Tory Peterson (donated by Katherine Stone Smith, Lakeside);
- 6 stunning original bird paintings (American Kestrel, Great Gray Owl, Great-horned Owl, Red-tailed Hawk, Western Tanager, and Red-winged Blackbirds) donated by Tom Roberts (Kalispell);
- Several 12” x 18” and 10” x 14” landscape and outstanding Clark’s Nutcracker photos by Kathryn Hayes, owner Kintla Creative LLC.
See you May 9!
Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

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