by the American Bird Conservancy

Bird-Smart-Glass-LogoCollisions with glass windows kill hundreds of millions of birds each year in the United States, but thanks to American Bird Conservancy’s new Bird-Smart Glass Program, a list of 18 tested, proven products is now available to help homeowners and architects identify simple but effective solutions to stop birds from hitting windows. This list can be viewed on the ABC website at

Peer-reviewed scientific research has found that between 365 million and 988 million birds die every year in the United States after colliding with buildings. Glass that reflects landscapes and the sky is especially dangerous for birds because they can’t distinguish the reflection from the real world. Virtually every bird species in North America is affected by glass collisions. But migratory birds and yard birds are among the most common species affected. This includes species that are declining across their ranges, such as Wood Thrush, White-throated Sparrow, Painted Bunting, Anna’s Hummingbird and Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

Products featured in ABC’s Bird-Smart Glass Program—including patterned glass, window films and tapes, and external screens —fit every style, budget, and climate. In order to be verified as Bird-Smart, they must have documented evidence proving their effectiveness, either through controlled tests or field studies. Although no material can be guaranteed to eliminate all collisions, ABC has identified the best available products for private homes as well as commercial buildings.